Our Mission

To promote comprehensive, high-quality and compassionate care for serious illness through increasing advance care planning and palliative care services, leadership in the development and advocacy of improved practices; and encouraging system-wide changes at the individual, organizational and community levels.

By 2030, approximately 20% of the United State's population will be over age 65. For most, these years are a time of good health and independence but some adults may develop one or more chronic illnesses that they may struggle with for years before death. These years are characterized by physical and psychological distress; progressive functional dependence and frailty; and high family support needs. Recent studies suggest that medical care for patients with advance illness is characterized by inadequately treated physical distress; fragmented care systems, poor communication between doctors, patients, and families; and enormous strains on family care givers and support systems.

The development of the specialty of palliative medicine has been a critical step in addressing the unmet needs of patients with serious illness and their families and the growth of this field has been remarkable. From 2001-2003, the number of hospital-based palliative care programs has grown by over 60% such that now 1 in 4 U.S. hospitals has a palliative care program and all U.S. medical schools must provide training in palliative medicine.

Palliative care is specialized medical care for people with serious illnesses. This type of care is focused on providing patients with relief from the symptoms, pain, and stress of a serious illness - whatever the diagnosis.

The goal is to improve quality of life for both the patient and the family. Palliative care is provided by a team of doctors, nurses, and other specialists who work with a patient's other doctors to provide an extra layer of support. Palliative care is appropriate at any age and at any stage in a serious illness, and can be provided together with curative treatment.

The Inland Empire Palliative Care Coalition (IEPCC) is a non-profit organization working to educate, promote, and expand awareness of palliative care programs and providers throughout the Inland Empire area of Southern California. We offer health care professionals education and information on palliative care and an opportunity to network with other palliative experts. Membership is open to individuals or organizations.

Join the Inland Empire Palliative Care Coalition and be a part of this important care movement!

Palliative care providers...

  • Provide expert relief from pain and other uncomfortable symptoms;

  • Assist in making difficult medical decisions;

  • Coordinate care and helps in navigating the often-complex health care system;

  • Guide in making a plan for living well, based on needs, concerns, and goals for care;

  • Provide emotional and spiritual support for you and your family

Palliative care relieves physical, psychological, and spiritual suffering and can accompany traditional treatments that are used to treat chronic illness like cancer, diabetes, heart, and lung diseases. It is a partnership between patient, medical specialists, and family.

Palliative care can aid in recovering from an serious illness by relieving symptoms such as pain, anxiety or loss of appetite, that occur while undergoing difficult medical treatments or procedures. In some cases patients with cancer who received palliative care, were more likely to complete chemotherapy treatments and reported a higher quality of life than those who did not.

Palliative care is certainly appropriate for patients with terminal illness, but since it focuses on improved function and general quality of life, it serves individuals and their families who have chronic and/or long-term diseases, long before hospice or "end of life" care is needed.

Palliative care is provided in many hospitals by palliative care teams. These hospital palliative care programs may also have an outpatient palliative care clinic. It may also be available through home care agencies and nursing homes with a palliative care programs.

Our Vision

Working together for the advancement of palliative care throughout the Inland Empire.

  Membership Information
 Click here for a Provider Directory.

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Lindsey & Lindsey Design